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Ellis D. Cooper


My second book, "Microlects of Mental Models" is published under my nom d'editeur, Cognocity Press, 2015. The following are corrigenda and supplements subsequent to release of Revision 2 of the book in January, 2015.
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2. P.189 mentions that microlects are associated with everyday experience, such as owner's manuals for appliances, and points out that such manuals often include diagrams. For example, a shower head comes with the following combination of verbal and diagrammatic microlect expressions:
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(C) 2014 Water Pik, Inc.

3. John Baez should be indexed in reference to the section Stochastic Petri Net on pp.100-103.

4. P.139 mentions "kitchen table" chemistry and physics experiments using materials readily available in the home. To avoid the immediacy and familiarity of such materials, commercial kits are available at Edmund Scientifics.

5. Footnote 22 on p.191 cites work of Germund Hesslow, whose name should appear in the Index.

6. The contrived example in Fig. (3.5) on p.111 should have an arrow expressing that timeout of state e to itself should trigger itself to reset with probability Pee(e).
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7. In the boxed quote from David Galin on p.125 the word "out" should be "our".

8. On p.127 in the caption to Fig. (4.3) the opening quotation mark should be flipped horizontally.

9. On p.184 at the opening of sub-section 8.1.1 there should be space between the word "A" and the word "mental".

10. In the Index on p.210 there should be only one entry for "Trigger Dominance Principle."

11. The calculation on p.112 of the contrived example in Fig. (3.5) is in error. Four underscore and overbar "e" letters need to be changed to their opposite, as in boldface here:
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12. Python code to implement all Micro-Timing Formula models, with the added feature of invoking arbitrary Python functions and threads upon timeout of nodes, is provided here.

13. The question, "How is a Conditional Statement Implemented in a Timing or Micro-timing Machine?" is answered here.

14. In reference to Chapter 7, "Qualitative Shape," a new Conjecture is proposed here.

15. What amounts to a new Chapter called "Diagrammatic Microlects in Computer Science and Mathematics" is available here.